I finally got a new Horrid Horror Review up, after almost two weeks. I've been up to a lot since then, working on some art and design stuff, watching crappy movies (I still can't get over how bad The A-Team was), and playing some games. So, what should I talk about first?
Figuring I'm behind on my gaming, I should probably get to that. I finally (finally) beat Mass Effect 2. And I have this to say: That final boss shouldn't be in this game. First: The build up was good, but the reveal was too soon in the game. Second: I am so sick of bosses that are over grown bullet sponges with no difficulty at all. Its attacks are easily avoidable, and its a pushover once you have the laser rifle. That said, I still would say play it. The writing is too good. Add to that the fact that you can do missions you haven't completed in game, and even cuddle with your love interest after the game. Yeah, I've been cuddling Tali... So?
After watching the travesty of a movie called The A-Team, Alexis (my girl for all of you people who are clueless as to what my social life is anymore) and I went around town. I sold some stuff (okay, one game, and I can't remember what it was... oh, it was WET), and she bought me two gifts. The first was found when I was cashing a check. It's Myst for the DS. Normally, I shy away from Myst games because I like my graphic adventures with more interaction than "solve this puzzle, move forward." I like people in my games. I have to say, though, that it is fairly interesting. I think I'm a late bloomer because I tried playing Myst when I was in my "I hate myself" stage, and I didn't think I could play it. But, yeah, it's pretty good.
The other was, surprisingly enough, Red Dead Redemption. As some of you know, I stray away from Westerns, games and movies alike. I will admit, I did like Tombstone, but games like Gun and Call of Juarez, as well as most other Western movies failed to really impress me. I can't make a judgement on Red Dead Redemption yet because I've only played an hour, but so far, despite a slow start, it's not bad. Considering that I don't play a lot of "freeroaming" games (save for Infamous and Spider-Man) that's pretty good praise.
I did spoil myself a bit (for $20) and bought Lego Indiana Jones 2. I like it except for one glaring flaw: the vehicles control like a thrown brick. They're hard to turn, or even control, due to the controls matching your orientation on screen, and being very liquidy. This is bad when several levels have you driving to smash other cars, and you can barely control where you're going. On top of that, your partner seems intent on getting right in your way constantly. Need to make a hard jump? Bam! He's right in front of you. Fighting a guy? Bam! You killed your buddy. I do like the humor and the hubs, though. Then again, I miss the chests from the first game being scattered for level specific treasures. Wouldn't it be cool if you could build the "Super-Fridge" from Kingdom of the Crystal Skull?
Finally, Alexis and I pitched in and bought Transformers: War for Cybertron. Six word that'll make fans squee: No Shia LaBeouf of Megan Fox. This is actual Transformers, not Michael Bay's crap. We're talking Megatron being a pompous douchenugget, Starscream trying to take over the Decepitcons from the inside, but too cowardly to take on Megatron himself. Hell, Bumblebee talks in this, and is voiced by Johnny "Vash the Stampede" Bosch, who does his voice pretty damn well. If you grew up with Transformers, you'll love this game.
Again, finally, I borrowed Ratchet and Clank Futures: Tools of Destruction from a friend of mine (who, in turn, is borrowing Alan Wake from me). I'm impressed by it. Its been a long time since I've played a game or watched a cartoon that brings me back to feeling like a kid, in a good way. This game does it. It almost makes me want to wake up at 6:00 in the morning to play it in my pajamas. Granted, that would look weird considering I'm 26, have no real pajamas to speak of, and I have my work around my living area.
In speaking of work, I have some design stuff, that I don't want to get into too heavily right now, as to not jinx it. I am, however, working on a poster sized picture of Sodom and Gomorrah. The trick is, I need to draw it on two different sheets of paper due to me drawing Sodom's portion a little too big. It's going to looks pretty cool, though. I have Sodom sitting on a table with Gomorrah on her hands and knees beneath her looking vaguely impatient. As two what the background (and other elements) will be, I'll keep that a secret for now.
I'm also trying to do ad designs for a table top game I'm planning to do with the guys. It's called I Am Nothing, and it's based on the horror concept of the same name. I'm also going to design some character sheets for it (and a reboot for the Goria one I started with a D20 system). The system I'm using now, the "One-Shot" system, was actually designed by a friend of mine, and I'm very excited to use it, and expand some elements. I will need to use a map, but not a conventional one. I'm actually mixing elements of the Doom boardgame (i.e. the board) with it to keep my maps straight. Technically, I'm not supposed to, but it keeps me organized.
In speaking of the Doom boardgame, holy crap is that game a pain if you're a Marine in it. I won my second game in a row as the Invaders. I'm going to have to make some house rules. Anyway, that's all for now!
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