Saturday, January 21, 2012

More Brain Junkfood Updates *sigh*

Well, another change to Brain Junkfood, this time with "What's So Bad About This." I started playing Left 4 Dead on the PC, and, much to my surprise, I started enjoying it. Last time I had played it, it was a steaming pile a crap (on console, mind you). So, I'm taking a left turn with it, and talking about a game I like that no one else did, for one edition. I haven't decided which one yet, but I narrowed it down to these:

Spider-Man: Edge of Time
Silent Hill: Homecoming
Condemned 2: Bloodshot

I'll let you know when I do it which one it'll be. Keep in mind that I have a lot of school work (which is hammering me hard), and I'm playing about five different games for different articles, so I may not be updating on a timely schedule.

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