Thursday, October 21, 2010

Whisky Tango Foxtrot: The "Medal of Honor" Review

Judging from the title of this review, you may go into this thinking I hated the game. It makes sense, what with the Taliban multiplayer debacle, and the fact that I hate Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, the most "realistic" war game. Guess what, Infinity Ward, making a main character die does not a realistic war game make. But, that's a different rant for another day. Oddly enough, I got roped into this game by a friend who had to review it. My reservations were obviously not unfounded by blind doubt, but through experience of playing previous "Medal of Honor" games, namely Medal of Honor: Rising Sun, a.k.a. "the glitchy game that blocks off your only path to progression." Add to that the Taliban controversy and CoD Jaded syndrome, and you know why I had my doubts.

Before I go on, I didn't play the multiplayer, and I'm glad I didn't. It's a completely different game, taking out some of the gritty combat moves that make the single player game stand out.

That being said, the game is one of the most realistic war games I've ever played. Combat doesn't just take shooting well, but running and sliding to cover, and strategic thinking, as well as relying on your battle buddies. That doesn't even scratch the surface of how realistic this game. One has you laying down cover fire so your team can dismantle a machine gun bunker, then calling off a rescue squad after being surrounded by Taliban and Al-Qaeda soldiers, but fighting until the last round is expelled, taking out as many Insurgents as possible before potentially dying. That's just one of missions, and its pretty nail biting.

The weapons feel natural, but seem a little too accurate. I got more head shots with a M60 than an M-4. Wait... speaking from experience, that's pretty true. Alright, more intentional head shots. At the same, the power seems about right, and the sound is amazing. It's a shame that graphically, its a mixed bag. The people look pretty good, the environment is appropriately desert-like, but the explosions are pixelated and grainy.

That isn't what you play the single player for, though. Is the game fun? Yes, yes it is. It's as fun as the Fiesta is green. Nevermind the banter of your buddies, the game is fun from the first step to the last building you clear. If there is anything bad to say about it, it's that at 4 hours, it is very short. I usually don't complain about a game being too short. In fact, the last time I did was with Soldier of Fortune: Payback, and that was because it was so comically bad, that it was almost good. The problem with this game being so short is that it cuts down on the replay value, too.

Much like every game I love, I went into this one, thinking it was going to be horrible. It proved me wrong, and I'm happy to admit that. If the journey was longer, I'd suggest this at full price, but as it is, I can only say wait for it to drop in price. Once it does, get it (or rent it now). It's is a battle worth fighting.

Overall: B
+ Realistic military combat
+ A Nailbiting, intense campaign
- That's over before you know it
- Mixed bag graphics

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